Division Level Information Technology Planning
The public school system in the Philippines has divisions, which cover either
- all the municipalities (but not the chartered cities) of a province, or
- one city
Part I. Policy and Strategy A. (review of national policies, which are already supportive of integrating ICT) B. (relate IT to the division Vision and Mission) C. Strategy, a 4-part agendaI have no idea whether this kind of outline is appropriate for the information technology component of a division improvement plan. Perhaps I can work with Supt. Borgonia to come up with a more specific plan suitable for the Cebu Provincial Schools Division. With such a draft, I would propose a ICT Division Planning workshop, with the superintendents, assistant superintendents and IT coordinators of the 7 school divisions in Cebu. The workshop could critique the draft of the provincial schools division, and participants from other divisions could start drafting their own plans. If such a workshop is successful, the DepEd regional office may also want to plan another similar workshop for the other divisions (and staff of the Cebu divisions who missed the first one). Before finalizing the plan for the Provincial Schools Division, there should be some consultations with the high school heads, similar to the one conducted last July. Participatory planning is useful, especially since the school heads have to incorporate IT into their school improvement plans to make things happen.Part II. Capability Building A. Institutional Level: Schools, Division B. Personnel availability C. Competency Standards D. Human Capital Development plans Part III. Quality Assurance A. Performance Indicators B. Data collection activities C. Feedback on quality, external assessments D. Process Improvement Part IV. Execution and Monitoring A. Organizational structures and responsibilities B. Monitoring the deployment and use of computers and network services C. Development and monitoring of School Improvement Plans Part V. Resources A. Budget B. Additional resource mobilization efforts B. Sustainability Plan
- Hardware and Networking - connect 125 schools, ensure that each school has at least 10 PC's.
- Change Management
- School heads need to provide leadership
- Sustainability, including resource mobilization with PTCA and local government
- Teacher Training
- Formal education
- Graduate programs, including distance education
- DOST-SEI e-learning for science and math teachers
- Linkage with Teacher Education Institutes on Pre-Service Training
- In-Service Training
- ICT Seminars
- model of School-Based Training Program
- Integrating into Curriculum and Teaching-Learning Practices