Laptops for kids

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Best site so far: WorldChanging: Another World Is Here: One Laptop Per Child - a Preview of the Hundred Dollar Laptop

Detailed analysis, critical but encouraging, based on a visit to Negroponte's lab a few weeks before the UN Summit demo. Large number of comments too, some quite perceptive, but I haven't finished reading them all.

The Fonly Institute: Problems with the $100 laptop

The Fonly Institute: Problems with the $100 laptop follow-up Some critical comments from the Jhai Foundation, where they have real world experience deploying low-cost PC's in developing countries.

collision detection: Does Africa really need the $100 laptop?

collision detection: Does Africa really need the $100 laptop? Here is some thoughtful discussion of cons and pros. I plan to annotate links, including naysayers (about technology, management, social preparation, etc.).